Nfinite Nanotech Graduates from AC:Incubate
Nfinite Nanotech is on a mission to eliminate plastic waste by providing truly sustainable packaging solutions through its smart nanocoatings.

In 2018, during his master’s program at the University of Waterloo, Chee Hau Teoh had the opportunity to study nanotechnology with Professor Kevin Musselman. Through this experience, he learned how versatile nanotechnology is and its endless number of potential applications.
“Nanotechnology can be used to functionalize any materials to manufacture solar cells, batteries, flexible electronic, hydrogen fuel cells, and even packaging,” said Chee. “Seeing what a large impact nanotechnology could create for society and the environment made me realize that this study had the potential to be much more than just another school project – so I brought in my old friend Jhi Yong Loke.”
In 2020, they began researching the commercialization opportunities for nanotechnology and what gaps the market had that could be solved. To help them explore the market opportunities and create an innovative team that could make a big impact, Chee, Jhi, and Kevin joined the Accelerator Centre.
“We needed help developing the nuts and bolts of our company. We all came from engineering backgrounds, so we need to learn how to create a successful product, how to build a team, how to understand our customers’ needs, etc.,” said Chee. “The mentor team quickly became our biggest supporters and was the main driving force in growing Nfinite.”
In April 2021, on Earth Day, Nfinite Nanotech was incorporated, and the three team members became co-founders.
“Our company’s mission is to save the planet,” said Chee. “Our pilot product is nanocoatings for sustainable packaging to keep products fresh without compromising its recyclability and compostability.”
Nfinite’s nanocoating is:
Ultrathin and Flexible - 1000x thinner than a human hair (<100nm) and can withstand manufacturing processes and handling
Multifunctional – High oxygen and moisture barrier with potential antimicrobial properties and UV protection
Versatile - Compatible with fully recyclable plastics, compostable biopolymers, and paper
Cost-effective - Open-air process that does not require a vacuum chamber, allowing direct integration into manufacturing lines
Today, Nfinite Nanotech is working with some of the world’s biggest brands, and household names like PepsiCo, and has partnered with Amcor, one of the largest flexible packaging producers in the world.
“One of our biggest accomplishments is the team we have built,” said Chee. “This team can move mountains. We are still relatively small, but we have accomplished so much together as a team!”
In the future, Nfinite Nanotech hopes to become a global company that can make a bigger impact beyond sustainable packing. Nanotechnology can transform other industries to become more innovative and sustainable and create change on a global scale.
Nfinite Nanotech will be graduating from the Accelerator Centre on October 30th! Join us to celebrate their graduation from AC:Incubate, and their journey as a startup. Come to network and be inspired!